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Press Release - Levy Defeat

Defeat of Northwest School Levy Opens the Door to Creating a Better Plan for Advancing Student Performance

May 2nd the voters of the Northwest Local School District (NWLSD) sent a clear message to the district’s school board and administration by voting 3 to 1 against the proposed $168.6 million bond. The levy, if passed, would cost approximately $400 million over 38 years. This tax increase, in light of existing and future announced tax increases, was something voters could not afford. The decision by the District to add an additional 15% to school property taxes during exceedingly difficult economic times, when residents are challenged by historically high levels of inflation, food, water, and energy prices, demonstrates a disregard for taxpayers and the harsh economic reality residents are experiencing.

Voters remain concerned about the district’s ability to care for new buildings. The district cites the need to replace existing buildings after failing to perform tens of millions of dollars of normal maintenance.

All residents value Northwest students and the promise their success represents both for themselves and our district. We are a community. We all benefit when we reach a balance between the cost of education and the impact on the taxpayer. The May election results are not an indicator of a lack of faith in the students but rather, a demand for change in the way our schools are maintained.

The Northwest Schools must understand the message sent by the voters. The district has to work with the community to develop a plan for moving forward, establishing a budget taxpayers can afford.

We encourage the following to create a prudent blueprint for moving the district forward.

  1. Immediately fund and perform all required building maintenance.
  2. Perform a new assessment of each school for major, minor and cosmetic repairs which are required to rehabilitate buildings for productive use, not with the intent to justify destruction of the facility.
  3. Conduct a comprehensive budget review including an assessment of the financial impact of deferring building maintenance district wide.

The burden of over-taxation is destructive to our community.

It is time the Northwest Local School District acts to the advantage of all Northwest students and residents.