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Change The Way Ohio Funds Education

Hamilton County Property Owners Continue to Shoulder an Increasingly Larger Tax Burden

  • Brent Spence Bridge Replacement
  • Museum Center "Icon Tax"
  • Sport Stadium Construction
  • Sport Stadium Refurbishing/Replacement
  • Western Hills Viaduct Replacement
  • Phase I Northwest Local School District Building Replacement
  • Phase II Northwest Local School District Building Replacement
  • Phase III Northwest Local School District Replacement

For Hamilton County Residents and Businesses it is either pay the growing tax burden, decreasing the standard of living Or Move.

There is a problem with school funding in Ohio. Recognized by the Ohio Supreme Court as Unconstitutional

Despite the State of Ohio spending billions on K-12 education in Ohio

  • 9.84 billion dollars in FY 2021
  • 10.23 billion dollars in FY 2022
  • 10.43 billion dollars proposed in FY 2023

The Northwest Local School District levy, November 2022 failed by over 60 % of the vote. It will be on the ballot again in May 2023. If it fails in May 2023, it will be on the ballot again and again until threats and fatigue force citizens to vote yes!

Should Phase II of the Northwest Local School District pass, Northwest Residents will pay, over 395 million dollars in the next 38 years!

Passage of Another Northwest School Levy will not solve the problem!

The Endless Campaign to Raise Property Taxes

  • Reduces the Income of Property Owners
  • Harshly Impacts those on Fixed Incomes
  • Forces the relocation of families to lower tax counties decreasing our tax base

Simply, Higher Property Taxes Are Unsustainable with Northwest Residents Already Paying:

  • Higher water, sewer and energy prices
  • A nearly 8% sales tax
  • Capital expenses including the two sports stadiums

It's time to vote for education - not increasingly higher taxes!

  • End Ohio's Constant Educational State of Emergency
  • Insist on a fair statewide Constitutional school funding model
  • Make the business of schools Educating not raising taxes

Vote NO on NWLSD Bond Issue

Vote No on Issue 8

Vote No Issue 8 May 2, 2023

  • Inflation, economic instability and lack of savings have an increasing number of Americans feeling financially stressed.
  • 70% of Americans admit to feeling stressed about their personal finances
  • 52% of U.S. adults say their financial stress has INCREASED since the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic

People are worried that the money they’ve saved won’t last and are worried they’re going to have to lean more on their credit cards and other sources of debt just to get by,” -

Increasing property taxes does not serve this community

Tax increases stress for single mothers, families and retirees.

Please Vote NO on Issue 8 May 2, 2023

Read more …Vote No on Issue 8